
Sunday 16 March 2014

Mars Pods Cookies and Cream

It feels like ages since we've had a new Pods flavour from Mars, and that's true - the last flavour, Honeycomb Bites, came out in early 2012. It's good to see a new flavour hitting the market, ven if it is the current 'flavour of the moment', cookies and cream.

Head after the jump for the rest of the review!

The crunchy confectionery delight takes a bit of a different direction to the flavour. A common method is to achieve the cookies and cream combo by mixing crushed chocolate biscuit into white chocolate (or mockolate, depending on brand of choice). Mars have taken a more ingenious (to borrow a word from Mars) route by making the centre of each Pod a plain cream flavour, to be complemented by the chocolate lid and the chocolate-flavour biscuit. Simple but effective!

The biscuit shell  is perfectly shaped to hold its contents well. It's fresh and very crunchy, but has a very faint flavour to it. Most of the chocolate flavour comes from the lid, which makes up a considerable 51% of each Pod. It's quite a considerable layer, about 3mm thick, and has a rich cocoa flavour to it. It's sweet, but not as sweet as, say, Cadbury Dairy Milk. It melts smoothly and leaves a pleasant taste.

The centre is the cream filling. The ingredients list unfortunately isn't broken down by part, so I can't tell you what has gone into it, except that it is supposed to be vanilla flavour. The centre is creamy and melts well, but I don't know that I would call it vanilla. it's more of a generic sweetness. Still, when eaten has a whole mouthful, the flavours combine well. The shell dominates with its crispiness, but the chocolate lid mixes well with the cream centre to create a good version of the cookies and cream flavour.

My only fault with Pods is that their design is more 'squashed' that the pics of the packet - they seem to look a bit sorry for themselves in comparison.

Score: 4.5 out of 5 jelly beans.

Mars Pods Cookies and Cream are made in Australia.  They contain milk, wheat and soy, and may contain traces of peanuts, tree nuts and barley.  The milk chocolate contains a minimum of 25% cocoa solids.

Each bite-size Pod

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