
Sunday 30 September 2012

Mars Milky Way Berries and Cream

(A note to our American visitors: the Australian Milky Way bar is akin to your '3 Musketeers' bar (no caramel layer), while your Milky Way is more like our Mars bar (includes caramel).)

Back in August I gossiped about the arrival of the next seasonal release from Mars in their 'Milky Way' range. Previous seasonal releases include Milk Whipped, and Banana, and I was interested to see how this year's Berries and Cream release would fare.

For the first time it features a dual-layer flavoured centre, with the generic 'berry' flavour on the lower and 'cream' flavour on top. It makes an impressive picture for the prototype, but I knew as soon as I pulled my squished bar from the wrapper mine wouldn't look anywhere near as nice. The chocolate was cracked all over, leaving my bar to look very sorry for itself.

The wrapper is a very vivid dark pink, offset by the royal blue of the Milky Way logo, and white text. At 25g, it weighs the same as the normal chocolate Milky Way (seasonal releases are often smaller), and appears to be the same high and length. Sadly, my poor bar was very squished, although a benefit of the soft soft means the chocolate mostly stays in place. For the curious, the thin milk chocolate layer contains 25% cocoa solids.

Inside, the bottom pink berry layer is quite vivid in colour, much stronger than in my pictures It borders on the brightness of a musk stick or a strawberry Big Boss lolly. The white cream layer is more off-white or cream-coloured than white, but provides a nice cotnrast to the warm colours of the chocolate. There's a mild chocolate-berry scent, but you can really only smell it directly from the bar. It's not an overpowering scent that knocks you on your ass when you open the packet.

Since my poor bar was so squashed, I couldn't attempt to separate the fillings for individual tastings. So together I tried the three elements (chocolate, berry and cream). My first thought was berry-flavoured chocolate-covered banana (my review of the banana-flavoured Milky Way basically amounted to chocolate-covered lolly banana). It's just like the banana Milky Way, which is utterly bizarre. There's the chalky note you associate with lolly bananas but with a somewhat bland generic floral berry flavour. If there are any cream flavours present, they are drowned out by the berry notes. Luckily the chocolate layer, which makes an appearance at the end, somewhat saves the day and turns a somewhat-questionable taste into something vaguely interesting.

It's not a bad bar by any means, and is a change from the ordinary, but it's not somethign I would willingly pick up again.

Milky Way Berries and Cream contains wheat, milk solids, and barley malt extract. Peanuts and treenuts may be present.

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