
Disclosure Policy


Lolly Addict is a personal blog written by and owned by one person, Danielle Seivers. For questions about the blog, please write to: lollyaddictaust [at]

The reviews on Lolly Addict are based on my own experience with a product. These are opinions and not facts. Everyone is different and may not have the same experience as I do.

As the sole owner and writer for Lolly Addict, I am not a professional in the industry. I am just an average Joe, writing about one of my passions. What I post on this website is my personal experiences and opinions without any outside influence. None of the final opinions in my reviews are bought, nor will they ever will be.

Most of the reviews on Lolly Addict are written using products purchased from stores. Occasionally a review may be written using samples of products furnished by production or marketing companies. These reviews will be marked as such as a disclosure statement at the bottom of the review.

Brand Affiliations

I am not affiliated with any of the brands mentioned on my blog. I do not endorse them and they do not endorse me. I am not paid for my reviews. 

Product Samples

Some of the products reviewed on this blog are samples sent by brands or PR agencies. I make no promises regarding reviews or the nature of my reviews when accepting samples. Just because I am sent a product for review does NOT mean I will feature it or review it favorably. The items I choose to post are products I want to write about and my reviews are my 100% honest opinion.

If you are a brand looking to have your product reviewed, please contact me at
lollyaddictaust [at]