
Friday 19 December 2014

Gossip: Mentos Cola returns and new Nestle KitKat flavours

Just a couple of new releases to report:

A previous limited edition Mentos flavour, Cola, has made a return for another period. We only saw it a year or so ago but it's back again. Somehow I missed reviewing it last time, so I will be picking up a roll for analysis soon.

Grape Mix has also become available in a roll (from its debut in the resealable share pack) so this will be reviewed soon, too.

In more exciting news, Nestle has just released images of their new KitKat flavours (plural) to distributors. Choc Mint Whirl and Choc Whirl are two completely new flavours and styles. It appears that the top layer of the finger will have a marbled effect, giving the product its name. So far I have found images of Choc Mint Whirl available across medium and king size bars, and family blocks, but Choc Whirl seems to only be available in the family block. I'm not sure if that's permanent or if it will be released to the other sizes as well.

Have you seen anything new and exciting released?